The Fairways family apartments is a collaboration between Affirmed Housing, the City of San Jose Housing Department and Redevelopment Agency and the surrounding neighbors. Located in an area of single family residences, the incompatible land use warranted change to improve the quality of life for the surrounding neighborhood. This extremely narrow property, located immediately adjacent to Highway 101 freeway and a public golf course, offered a complex design challenge. Ingress/egress easements for a landlocked parcel at the rear of the site further restricted the use of this narrow parcel. By desigsning 5 three-story residential structures over a long, partially subterranean podium parking structure, and incorporating a continuous architectural sound wall adjacent to the freeway, the site constraints were appropriately resolved. Now home to 86 deserving local families, the property offers on site amenities such as a fully furnished community room, a computer room, 24/7 onsite management/maintenance and laundry facilities. The community also boasts a tot lot which is open to the neighboring community.

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86 Total Units


San Jose, CA



Property Information

Phone: (408) 923-8424

Fax: (408) 923-8599
Email: [email protected]

305 San Antonio Court
San Jose, CA 95116

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